Good practices in matters of public safety and justice in local governments


  • Guillermo Raúl Zepeda Lecuona El Colegio de Jalisco


The present article summarizes some good practices in matters of security developed by municipal and local authorities, documented by the team of Jurimetría Iniciativas para el Estado de Derecho, A.C. during 2017. This line of research has been developing since 2013, with support of the MacArthur Foundation. Ever since 2017, it is also patronaged by The College of Jalisco (El Colegio de Jalisco).

Author Biography

Guillermo Raúl Zepeda Lecuona , El Colegio de Jalisco

Professor and researcher at El Colegio de Jalisco, member of the National Circuit of Researchers. Director of Jurimetría Iniciativas para el Estado de Derecho A.C.




How to Cite

Zepeda Lecuona , G. R. . (2018). Good practices in matters of public safety and justice in local governments . Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review, (4), 109-122. Retrieved from