Policy entrepreneurs: environmental movements and the construction of environmental policy


  • Pedro de Jesús Canales Hernández Departamento de Política y Cultura, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Unidad Xochimilco, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.


policy entrepreneurs, environmental policy, Multiple Streams Framework


This paper aims to explain both, the reasons and the ways, that policy entrepreneurs have contributed to the public policy knowledge, specifically in three countries: Mexico, Colombia, and Chile. Based on the Multiple Streams Framework that guides this research, policy entrepreneurs can also be actors or leaders within the government; however, this work is carried out only by those leaders and non-governmental organizations. Countries of interest were selected because they currently rank with the best environmental performance in Latin America, according to the Environmental Performance Index developed by Yale University. The methodology consists of a review of selected scientific research and media articles. Key findings underscore the policy entrepreneurs diversity, diverse advocacy resources and multiple discourses.

Author Biography

Pedro de Jesús Canales Hernández, Departamento de Política y Cultura, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Unidad Xochimilco, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

Candidato a Doctor en Políticas Públicas por el CIDE. Actualmente es Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Política y Cultura de la UAM-Xochimilco. Docente en materia de Políticas Públicas, Política Económica, Implementación de Políticas, Teoría Organizacional y de Gobierno e Instituciones en licenciatura y maestría. Desarrolla una línea de investigación sobre los emprendedores de políticas públicas en México.
Canales, P. (2023). Policy entrepreneurs: environmental movements and the construction of environmental policy




How to Cite

Canales Hernández, P. de J. . (2023). Policy entrepreneurs: environmental movements and the construction of environmental policy. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review, 2(9), 35 - 51. Retrieved from https://journalofpublicgovernance.cucea.udg.mx/index.php/jpgp/article/view/7755