Moving forward: the democratization of social policy in Jalisco


  • Carlos Regino Villalobos Espinosa Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla


In this study we analyze whether social policy in Jalisco leans towards assistance or development, and if the actions for development promote Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The study hypothesis is that social policy in Jalisco can be democratized by improving the CSO’s participation to solve public problems. We discuss the importance of civil society towards the democratization of the State’s activities, and we make a historical review to learn about the trends of social policy assistance and development in Jalisco. Also, we analyze the State’s social policy qualities, including institutions, programs and the legal and fiscal framework to promote CSOs. Our conclusions present Chihuahua’s social co-responsibility model as an example of intersectoral cooperation for development.

Biografía del autor/a

Carlos Regino Villalobos Espinosa, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (UNIVA), in Theology from Universidad Pontifica de México and in Organizational Management from Universidad de Guadalajara, and graduate studies in Political Science from Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. He is a consultant and fund manager for civil society organizations in Chihuahua and Jalisco, and has participated as an auditor for public institutions. He focuses on social work, awareness on Access to Information Rights for Indigenous population; and advocacy plans in public policies.
JPGP - Villalobos, C. (2022). Moving forward: the democratization of social policy in Jalisco




Cómo citar

Villalobos Espinosa, C. R. (2022). Moving forward: the democratization of social policy in Jalisco. Journal of Public Governance and Policy: Latin American Review, (8), 91-108. Recuperado a partir de